With ICT constantly advancing, we felt the time was right to update our website, our terminology and overall look and feel.
As with any business, it’s important that our website reflects our business, serves our clients needs and keeps us competitive in our industry, what to look out for...
New Home page
The new look rotating banner takes you directly to some of our most popular products and services including; Cloud Solutions, Managed IT Support and Cloud Calling. This will be updated regularly. Our service suite is now positioned higher up the page so you can quickly see the products and services we include in our Managed Service Provider packages. Want to learn what's new? Now with our latest blog featuring on the homepage, you'll never miss an update from the CJAZ team.
New Services Menu
A fresher, simpler design enables you to find the products and services you are looking for more easily.
New product pages
From learning about your Cloud Calling options to Hybrid Working solutions, we have updated all of our service pages and added a few more too.
Simple Menu
A slight site restructure has enabled us to simplify the menu, we hope you find this easier to use.
Partners and Accreditations
CJAZ value our Partner relationships, we've been working with many of our trusted suppliers for years. We invest in the best products and ensure we are accredited partners whenever we can, undergoing training and audits to ensure we are skilled in implementing and supporting those products for the long term.
Learn about our Partners and Accreditations
We support a wide range of different markets, giving us the skills and experience for supporting businesses in those markets. Here are just a selection of the markets we currently work in, this list is by no means exhaustive.
Coming soon
There are more web improvements and service enhancements in development, so make sure to look our for more new pages coming soon.
What do you think of the new web refresh?
What do you think of the new web design?
Can you easily find what you're looking for?
Is there any information missing?
We'd love to hear what you think of our latest web refresh. If you can spare a couple of minutes, please let us know what you think...